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長沙灣 兆威工業中心 中層


長沙灣 兆威工業中心 中層

用戶搜尋的關鍵字: 兆 威 工業 中心 兆威工業大廈點去, 兆威工業大廈管理處電話, 荔枝角永康街29-33號兆威工業大廈, 兆威工業大廈英文地址, Siu Wai Industrial Centre, 29-33 wing hong street, 兆威工業大廈成交, 長沙灣永康街29-33號兆威工業大廈


1. 兆威工業中心簡介

1.1 歷史


1.2 建築結構


1.3 地理位置


2. 兆威工業中心的設施與配備

2.1 生產設備


2.2 辦公空間


2.3 停車場


3. 兆威工業中心的租賃資訊

3.1 價格


3.2 面積大小


3.3 租期條款


4. 兆威工業中心的地理位置與交通

4.1 地理位置


4.2 交通資訊


5. 兆威工業中心的企業環境

5.1 附近企業


5.2 產業特色


5.3 潛在的商機


6. 兆威工業中心的潛在投資價值

6.1 未來發展預測


6.2 房價趨勢


7. 兆威工業中心的相關案例分享

7.1 成功案例


8. 兆威工業中心的社區活動與資源

8.1 社區活動


8.2 資源


9. 兆威工業中心的未來發展計劃

9.1 升級改建


9.2 新設施規劃



  • 點去: 兆威工業大廈點去
  • 管理處電話: 兆威工業大廈管理處電話
  • 地址: 荔枝角永康街29-33號兆威工業大廈
  • 英文地址: Siu Wai Industrial Centre, 29-33 Wing Hong Street
  • 成交資訊: 兆威工業大廈成交
  • 地區: 長沙灣永康街29-33號兆威工業大廈


類別: 熱門 15 兆 威 工業 中心

長沙灣 兆威工業中心 中層
長沙灣 兆威工業中心 中層


Exploring the Depths of Siu Wai Industrial Centre 兆威工業大廈

兆威工業大廈點去, or Siu Wai Industrial Centre, is a prominent industrial complex located in the bustling district of Cheung Sha Wan in Kowloon, Hong Kong. In this comprehensive guide, we delve deep into the intricacies of this industrial building, offering detailed information, insights, and answering key questions about its location, facilities, and much more.

Overview of Siu Wai Industrial Centre

Siu Wai Industrial Centre is a well-established industrial facility that plays a pivotal role in the vibrant economic landscape of Cheung Sha Wan. The building is known for its strategic location, modern amenities, and diverse range of industrial spaces, making it a preferred choice for businesses looking to establish a strong presence in the area.

Location and Accessibility

Situated at the heart of Cheung Sha Wan, Siu Wai Industrial Centre enjoys excellent connectivity and accessibility. The location is well-connected to major transportation networks, including highways and public transportation, making it convenient for businesses to transport goods and employees to and from the facility.

Facilities and Amenities

One of the key attractions of Siu Wai Industrial Centre is its state-of-the-art facilities and amenities. From spacious warehouses to well-designed office spaces, the building caters to the diverse needs of businesses operating within its premises. The facilities are equipped with modern infrastructure, ensuring a seamless and efficient workflow for tenants.

Property Details

To provide a more detailed understanding, let’s delve into some key property details:

  • Floor Space: Siu Wai Industrial Centre offers a range of floor spaces to accommodate various industrial activities. The versatility in sizes allows businesses to choose the area that best suits their operational requirements.

  • Leasing Information: Businesses interested in establishing their operations at Siu Wai Industrial Centre can find leasing information on various property platforms. This includes details on rental rates, lease terms, and any additional costs associated with the tenancy.

Exploring Siu Wai Industrial Centre Online

For those seeking additional information or interested in exploring Siu Wai Industrial Centre further, several online platforms provide valuable insights. Let’s take a look at some of these platforms:

  1. MidlandICI: MidlandICI offers detailed information about the building, including its specifications and leasing details.

  2. Centanet: Centanet provides property details, including floor plans and leasing information, giving potential tenants a comprehensive view of the available spaces.

  3. OneDay: OneDay offers a user-friendly platform to explore Siu Wai Industrial Centre, with a focus on providing information for individuals looking to rent or invest in industrial spaces.

  4. 28Hse: 28Hse provides a dedicated section for Siu Wai Industrial Centre, offering property listings and related information for those interested in renting industrial spaces.

  5. 459: 459 provides property details and insights into Siu Wai Industrial Centre, catering to the needs of individuals and businesses looking for comprehensive information.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1: What types of businesses operate in Siu Wai Industrial Centre?

A1: Siu Wai Industrial Centre accommodates a diverse range of businesses, including manufacturing, logistics, and office-based operations. The versatile floor spaces cater to the needs of various industries.

Q2: How is the transportation connectivity around Siu Wai Industrial Centre?

A2: The industrial complex is strategically located with excellent connectivity to major highways and public transportation, facilitating the easy movement of goods and employees.

Q3: Are there any notable amenities within or near Siu Wai Industrial Centre?

A3: Siu Wai Industrial Centre is equipped with modern amenities within its premises. Additionally, the surrounding area in Cheung Sha Wan offers a range of services, including dining options and retail establishments.

Q4: How can businesses inquire about leasing options at Siu Wai Industrial Centre?

A4: Interested businesses can refer to online property platforms such as MidlandICI, Centanet, OneDay, 28Hse, and 459 for detailed leasing information. These platforms provide contact details for inquiries and property viewings.

Q5: Is Siu Wai Industrial Centre suitable for small businesses?

A5: Yes, Siu Wai Industrial Centre offers a range of floor spaces, making it suitable for both small and large businesses. The flexibility in sizes allows businesses to choose a space that aligns with their operational needs.


In conclusion, Siu Wai Industrial Centre stands as a prominent industrial hub in Cheung Sha Wan, offering businesses a strategic location, modern facilities, and versatile spaces. This guide has aimed to provide in-depth information about the industrial complex, catering to the needs of individuals and businesses seeking comprehensive insights into 兆威工業大廈點去.


Exploring the 兆威工業大廈管理處電話: A Comprehensive Guide

兆威工業大廈 (Siu Wai Industrial Centre) is a prominent industrial building in the bustling district of Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon. This article delves into the intricacies of 兆威工業大廈管理處電話 (Siu Wai Industrial Centre Management Office Phone) to provide a comprehensive guide for those seeking detailed information about the management office and its contact details.

Understanding Siu Wai Industrial Centre

Siu Wai Industrial Centre is a commercial property that caters to various industrial and business needs. Strategically located in Cheung Sha Wan, it offers a range of facilities and services to tenants. Whether you are a business owner looking for industrial space or someone interested in the details of 兆威工業大廈管理處電話, this guide aims to provide you with in-depth information.

Contacting 兆威工業大廈管理處

To get in touch with the management office of Siu Wai Industrial Centre, you can use the following contact details:

  • Phone Number: The management office can be reached via phone. The specific contact number is not provided in the reference materials, so it is recommended to check with the official property listings or contact the building directly for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

  • Property Websites: Various property websites might also list contact information for Siu Wai Industrial Centre. Websites like Midlandici, Centanet, and OneDay could be valuable resources.

Exploring Siu Wai Industrial Centre

Siu Wai Industrial Centre is known for its modern infrastructure and versatile spaces. With references from 28hse and, potential tenants can gain insights into the available rental options, amenities, and overall atmosphere of the industrial center.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What is Siu Wai Industrial Centre known for?

Siu Wai Industrial Centre is renowned for providing industrial and commercial spaces in the vibrant district of Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon. It caters to businesses with diverse needs, offering modern facilities and services.

2. How can I contact the 兆威工業大廈管理處?

To reach the management office of Siu Wai Industrial Centre, you can inquire about the contact details through official property listings, property websites like Midlandici, Centanet, or OneDay, or by directly visiting the building.

3. What services does Siu Wai Industrial Centre offer to tenants?

Siu Wai Industrial Centre provides a range of services and facilities to its tenants, including modern industrial spaces, amenities, and a conducive business environment. For specific details, interested parties are advised to contact the management office directly.

4. Are there available rental options at Siu Wai Industrial Centre?

Yes, Siu Wai Industrial Centre offers rental options for businesses looking for industrial and commercial spaces. Prospective tenants can explore listings on platforms like 28hse and for detailed information on available spaces and rental terms.

5. Is there a specific 兆威工業大廈管理處電話 (management office phone) available?

While the specific phone number for the management office is not provided in the reference materials, individuals interested in contacting the management office should check official property listings or contact Siu Wai Industrial Centre directly for the most accurate and up-to-date information.


This comprehensive guide has explored the 兆威工業大廈管理處電話 and provided detailed insights into Siu Wai Industrial Centre. Whether you are a prospective tenant, a business owner, or simply curious about this prominent industrial building, the information presented here aims to enhance your understanding of Siu Wai Industrial Centre and its management office. For the most accurate and current information, it is recommended to contact the building directly or refer to official property listings.


荔枝角永康街29-33號兆威工業大廈: 深度解析與詳細指南



荔枝角永康街29-33號兆威工業大廈位於九龍長沙灣區域,是一座現代化的工業建築,擁有豐富的歷史和獨特的建築風格。該大廈樓高多少樓,建造年份是多少年等基本信息可以透過參考資料來源(如 Midland ICICentanetOneDay28Hse459)獲取。






荔枝角永康街29-33號兆威工業大廈的租賃資訊對於企業和創業者而言可能是一個重要的考慮因素。租金水平、可用空間大小以及租賃條款等方面的詳細信息可以透過不同的房地產網站(如 Midland ICICentanetOneDay28Hse459)獲取。


1. 兆威工業大廈的租金水平如何?


2. 大廈的停車設施如何?


3. 大廈的安全措施是什麼?


4. 如何前往兆威工業大廈?





探索 16 兆 威 工業 中心

長沙灣兆威工業中心(112249) - 工廈廠廈貨倉租售搵盤- 美聯工商舖
長沙灣兆威工業中心(112249) – 工廈廠廈貨倉租售搵盤- 美聯工商舖
兆威工業中心- 工商舖物業資料庫
兆威工業中心- 工商舖物業資料庫
兆威工業中心- 工商舖物業資料庫
兆威工業中心- 工商舖物業資料庫
兆威工業大廈| Siu Wai Industrial Centre | Leasing Hub 洽租
兆威工業大廈| Siu Wai Industrial Centre | Leasing Hub 洽租
長沙灣兆威工業中心(42428) - 工廈廠廈貨倉租售搵盤- 美聯工商舖
長沙灣兆威工業中心(42428) – 工廈廠廈貨倉租售搵盤- 美聯工商舖
兆威工業大廈| Siu Wai Industrial Centre | Leasing Hub 洽租
兆威工業大廈| Siu Wai Industrial Centre | Leasing Hub 洽租
兆威工業中心- 工商舖物業資料庫
兆威工業中心- 工商舖物業資料庫
兆威工業大廈| Siu Wai Industrial Centre | Leasing Hub 洽租
兆威工業大廈| Siu Wai Industrial Centre | Leasing Hub 洽租
兆威工業大廈, 荔枝角寫字樓放租/放售- Landvision Property
兆威工業大廈, 荔枝角寫字樓放租/放售- Landvision Property
長沙灣兆威工業中心| Peggy 帶你實地參觀| [工商舖筍盤推介] - Youtube
長沙灣兆威工業中心| Peggy 帶你實地參觀| [工商舖筍盤推介] – Youtube
兆威工業大廈, 荔枝角寫字樓放租/放售- Landvision Property
兆威工業大廈, 荔枝角寫字樓放租/放售- Landvision Property
長沙灣兆威工業中心(42428) - 工廈廠廈貨倉租售搵盤- 美聯工商舖
長沙灣兆威工業中心(42428) – 工廈廠廈貨倉租售搵盤- 美聯工商舖
長沙灣荔枝角#兆威工業中心(987建築面積平方呎)(未核實) - Youtube
長沙灣荔枝角#兆威工業中心(987建築面積平方呎)(未核實) – Youtube
長沙灣兆威工業中心(42428) - 工廈廠廈貨倉租售搵盤- 美聯工商舖
長沙灣兆威工業中心(42428) – 工廈廠廈貨倉租售搵盤- 美聯工商舖
兆威工業大廈, 荔枝角寫字樓放租/放售- Landvision Property
兆威工業大廈, 荔枝角寫字樓放租/放售- Landvision Property
兆威工業大廈, 荔枝角寫字樓放租/放售- Landvision Property
兆威工業大廈, 荔枝角寫字樓放租/放售- Landvision Property
兆威工業大廈#2802172 租盤樓盤詳細資料| 28Hse 香港屋網
兆威工業大廈#2802172 租盤樓盤詳細資料| 28Hse 香港屋網
長沙灣兆威工業中心(42428) - 工廈廠廈貨倉租售搵盤- 美聯工商舖
長沙灣兆威工業中心(42428) – 工廈廠廈貨倉租售搵盤- 美聯工商舖


了解有關該主題的更多信息 兆 威 工業 中心.


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